
Advent Art Project

Artists of all kinds (amateurs and professionals), participate by giving away at least one piece of their own original art work (any form of media/art) to the world through internet links during the Advent Season (Novemeber 27-December 24) as a Public Domain Dedication, or by using a Creative Commons License, (where some copyright can be maintained. Such as crediting the creator, limiting derivative works, or prohibiting monetary gain from one’s donation).

WHAT? you say. Gain nothing from producing and sharing my own art? I don’t keep my rights to it? Huh? That sounds reckless or even nuts. What if someone takes my donation and makes a billion dollars from it?

Well…Yes and No. If you decide to give as a Public Domain Dedication, you give up your rights. Of course, you can also decide to choose a limited-use copyright license that you feel comfortable with. But, you also get the opportunity to have your creation transcend the ages; create notoriety for you or your other works of art or creativity, as others freely share your work; and benefit humankind in a way that cannot happen otherwise. Personally, I will be donating some creative works both as Public Domain Dedication and using a Creative Commons License. (Check out both to see what will best suit you by clicking the links in the last sentence.)

The Artist Advent Project (#ArtistAdventProj) is a mission of goodwill to freely share art with the world, and for posterity.

It’s a radical project to celebrate Advent, the Coming of Christmas, artistic and creative expression, and goodwill to men through creativity. To make a true difference, and brighten a bit more the world now, and for years to come, we need as much help as possible.

Will you please participate?

You might already have something to give in your stock pile of digital photos. That’s the perfect place to start. (Clicking either licensing links will give you code to add the copyright specifications or no copyright title and logo to your work.)

Once you have links to your work, just submit them in the comments section below, or share them on the interwebs. Think of this as an Open Source venture. Just run with it.

Ideas for artistic gifts:

  • Photography
  • Photography of art in various media (i.e. fabrics, cut paper art, found object art, sculpture, etc.)
  • Illustration/Drawing
  • Multimedia
  • Music
  • Film
  • Poetry
  • Literature
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