
O Antiphons: Prayers for the Advent Season

Have you ever tried to do something without preparing? Could you imagine going on a weekend backpack without planning the route or packing a backpack? Going out on in a boat on a lake all day without charging the electric motor? Leaving for a road trip without filling up your car’s tank with gas?

Preparing is a normal part of our daily lives. It is routine and ordinary. Yet, we do not often take the time to prepare in our spiritual lives like we do in our everyday lives. We make notes to remind ourselves to not forget the carton of milk, but do we take the time to remind ourselves to prepare to enter into the presence of God?

Advent is a season of preparation,and today, December 17th, marks the traditional time to begin praying toward the Church’s celebration of the Incarnation on Christmas Day. It is the day that the O Antiphons begin, and I have written a prayer book to help guide us during the next week of Advent as Christians prepare to celebrate our Lord’s birth.

Antiphons: Prayers for the Advent Season is a prayer book to prepare our bodies and souls to worship on Christmas day. The “O Antiphons” are one way that Christians for over 1500 years have been preparing their hearts, souls, minds and bodies to celebrate the coming of Christ at the first Advent, Christmas. In this book, A fresh reading of the O Antiphons, along with an Old and New Testament scripture reading and a meditation with discussion questions to guide you during the last week of Advent. From December 17th to December 23rd, you can use this prayer book to prayerfully come into the presence of the baby Jesus, born of a virgin, fully God and fully human in form, who is Wisdom in the flesh, our Lord, the Savior promised from David’s line, our Eternal Light, the King who unites all peoples and our Emmanuel, the God-who-is-with-us.

Please consider downloading the eBook today from Noisetrade. Tips on Noisetrade will go to International Justice Mission and their fight against everyday violence.