
Writing Update: Taking Jeremiah Out of Context

When I was a sophomore in college I remember this magazine coming out. It was new and fresh looking. Well designed. The cover was cool, not a yawn like WORLD or Christianity Today.

That magazine was RELEVANT. I would stop in the stacks and read it every once in a while. Then after college I became a subscriber.

Now I’m published in it, online (funny to think that online magazines were a complete afterthought even ten years ago…I feel old). I always love when I get published somewhere, but some are more sweeter than others, and this is one of the sweetest.

In “Stop Taking Jeremiah 29:11 Out of Context” I challenge our preconceived notions about this verse that has been quoted at so many high school graduates, searching souls and desperate people. An excerpt:

It’s written on graduation cards, quoted to encourage a person who can’t seem to find God’s well and doled out like a doctor explaining a prescription: Take Jeremiah 29:11 a few times, with a full glass of water, and call me in the morning. I think you’ll feel better.

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” Jeremiah 29:11 tells us—possibly one of our most beloved, yet most misunderstood, verses in the entire Bible.

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