
Creation Care Resources

This is the fifth post on the subject of Creation Care, one of the five spheres of a Christian ethic of eating. Here are some great resources to continue your exploration of creation care and ethical eating.

Food and Faith
The Presbyterian Church (USA) has an excellent blog oriented at integrating the faith of their denomination with thinking critically and biblically about food production and food scarcity, aptly titled Food and Faith.

Some of the highights currently on the blog include:

“Is your harvest ample enough for low income people, too?” – this post brings up the fact that many gardeners (like myself) have surplus at the end of the year, and that there are ways of getting that surplus to those in need. I had thought about donating food I had grown to soup kitchens, but the perishability of the food is a big deterent for most groups like this. Thankfully, there is a site that can help out! I am looking forward to using this next year and not throwing out twenty rotten tomatoes…part of caring for creation is learning to not be wasteful.

“52 ways toward a just and joy-filled food system”‘ – this is an excellent resource if you want to move yourself, your family and your congregation toward a more faithful look at food but don’t know where to start. There is a way for each week of the year! (PDF)

Ethical Eating with Norman Wirzba on PBS
This is a great short video PBS made with Norman Wirzba, the author of Food and Faith: A Theology of Eating.